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Debris Safety Netting | FAQ
Is Guardrail Netting Required?
Yes guardrail netting is required at construction sites per the requirement of OSHA 1926.500-Subpart M. It requires guardrail and toeboard systems on open-sided floors, platforms, runways, wall openings, holes, roofs, excavations, and machinery areas. Also if you have any equipment or materials which are higher than the top edge of the toeboard then the debris netting have to be installed from the top of the railing up to the deck level to provide protection overhead. These prevent debris from falling on by standards and workers below. The debris safety netting supplied by Alco will satisfy OSHA requirements for mid-rail and toeboard fall protection. This netting functions as a guardrail system with the additional benefit of blocking materials from falling to a lower level—not however for use in fall protection applications.
What’s the difference between OSHA and ANSI?

OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Act) was put into law in 1970 as a method for federal legislation to help prevent the thousands of deaths that had been occurring on job sites. OSHA is in place to ensure to the greatest extent possible, a safe and healthy workplace. This is accomplished by requiring compliance with the guidelines which are in the Code of Federal Regulations.
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) essentially sets the standards and OSHA enforces them. It is an Institute of approximately 1,000 companies, organizations, government agencies and international members.